Patient Participation Group

The Doctors at Wellfield Medical Centre are keen to improve the services provided to patients and are encouraging patients to take an active interest in their healthcare.

We work with our Patient Participation/Reference Group via email to get the viewpoint of as many patients as possible on the services currently provided as well as practical support in identifying where improvements are required.

We believe this new group help us and our patients gain a clearer understanding of what health services are required. It also helps influence the decision making process when redesigning existing services and creating new health services locally, regionally and nationally.

The purpose of the group is about patients taking ownership and working with the practice to:

  • advise the practice on what matters most to patients
  • identify solutions to problems
  • foster improved communication between the practice and its patients
  • help patients to take more responsibility for their health
  • provide practical support and help to implement change
  • think about the wider patient interest and not just their own personal concerns
  • always work constructively and positively, helping to identify solutions
  • work in partnership with the practice and other local organisations

If you are aged 16 years or over and would like to be a member of the Group, please contact the Practice Manager who will gladly discuss the role further with you.

To join please email us to the:

Non-urgent advice: You Said, We Did

Following consultation with our PPG and receiving recommendations that would improve the services at Wellfield Medical Centre we have implemented the following changes/improvements:

Replaced the automated check in system with a new Multi-language automated log in screen               

Increased extended hours to five nights per week giving those working greater access to the practice

To help with the increased demand we have a new full time partner and employed an Additional salaried GP 

To reduce queue’s and improve access we have created Children’s’ Flu clinics during the autumn school holidays

We have also provided additional, targeted flu clinics to cut down waiting and improve access

Improved reception process with telephony and dedicated switchboard team and systems (headsets) with new phone system with park facility

In advance of Manchester Standards requirement practice opened at 8.00am to better service patients

Diverse request for information in alternate languages on Wellfield info TV screen saw provision of information in Urdu and Arabic 

Increased secretarial hours to manage increased patient referrals etc